Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Old Gold

Those who followed Fleur Cottage know that I love mirrors, both indoors and outdoors. I need to be more selective since I've moved here but it's still difficult to pass up a lovely mirror. I found one this past summer at one of the few yard sales I stopped at.

I'm not very keen on gold or at least, cheap-looking gold. But I do like this...I call it 'old gold.' In fact, when I picked it up I didn't even envision it painted white (not saying I will never!). It's hanging in my bedroom where it reflects a glimpse of the room. The black mirror reflects the other side of the room. Sometime I will do a post of the whole room.
My lovely putz houses are coming out of storage and on the window today.This cold weather that blew in through the night gives me the urge to begin putting Christmas decorations out.
~ Esther

1 comment:

  1. Aww - you started Christmas decor! It's my personal 'thing' to wait till after Thanksgiving - but I sure wish Thanksgiving were over :)
