Monday, March 9, 2015

I Love Frilly Skirts and Curvy Legs!

Several years ago I saw a china cupboard at a yard sale that needed repairs and was filthy. I saw the potential beyond the dust and needed repairs and bought it. I loved the intricate details, curvy legs and frilly skirt!
She sat in our garage at Fleur Cottage, partly because I didn't know what to do with it and mostly because of our cancer journey. While it was stored in the garage, the glass to the door got broken; it was very disappointing because the glass was wavy and original. I mourned that in a healthy way and moved on. *smiles*
She was put up for the auction at our sale and nobody wanted her. I couldn't believe that no one saw her potential so she came home with me to Apartment 12 and stored in the barn. Now she sits in my living room and I'm really pleased with the results.
I decided to paint it in the apartment for convenience sake as it needed so much clean-up and repairs as well as not having to trudge through the cold, ice and snow we had.  
 Stick bugs and dust...eeeek! I found a few papers in the drawer that were dated in the mid-seventies. The drawer was very hard to pull out so I planed it down before I painted it.
I was delighted to find the missing piece to the leg on the left but not in the middle. I used wood putty to repair it and was delighted with the results. The finished leg is on the right.

She must have been stored in a damp place because the veneer was loose. I repaired some and took some off that was in the back where it made no difference. As noted, it was made in China. 
Pretty drawer handles, intricate details and the door handle. It was off-center with a missing knob. For now, the door is not back on the cupboard and will be a future project someday, possibly with chicken wire to replace the glass.
Transformed and isn't she pretty?

It sits beside the door leading to the upstairs and replaced the bookcase that was there. Books, dolls for the girlies and miniature cars/trucks for the boys are in the baskets. The drawer stores the games.
Aren't her frilly skirt and curvy legs lovely?
A close-up of the lovely details.
Before and after.
I'm very pleased with the end results!
~ Esther

1 comment:

  1. would love to see a close up of the let repair you did. You filled in a whole missing chunk w/ wood putty? This project looks great! I'm sure you're glad you kept it!
