Thursday, July 10, 2014

Four Month Sabbatical

I'm not sure what the dominate reason was for the four month sabbatical but here I am! I'm not only back but I'm back on blogger instead of Word Press. An-n-n-d, I did the importing! That was huge as I'm not very techie and it feels good to be back on familiar ground again.

Apartment 12 blog is still a work in progress and there will be sporadic tweaks to it in the future. But I'm content to let it as is for now...I get major brain fog spending so much time on the computer.

So here's a window into what was happening here the last four months. The details are coming in future posts.

This unplanned winter project was fun though I wouldn't want to do a lot of this.

My paint shop was built!
A find at one of my favorite thrift shops.
My sister and I were guests at our cousin's house in St Simon's Island. Imagine waking up to this every morning!
Then there was Savannah...delightful Savannah! *Sigh* I miss her...
 My teeny-tiny garden with snow the end of April. Y-a-w-n...what was new back then? The lettuce was beautiful and delicious!
This looks like a train wreck but it really is the beginning of my garden.
And last but not least...I've been eating THM (Trim Healthy Mama) since February. These bon-bons were a happy accident from my kitchen and are sooooo good! And healthy!

~ Esther


  1. Welcome back! And to blogger no less. Good to see you back in action. :)

  2. Congrats on starting your sabbatical! I'm in the later stages of one and it's the best things I've ever done!!
