Thursday, August 14, 2014

Entertaining On The Porch

Oh my...where do I start?! I love, LOVE my porch!
 It's a whole new outdoor room!
It's big and roomy!
It's just the coolest place to sit anytime of the day! Cool as in coolest spot to eat, read or just sit to literally cooler as in cooler on a hot and humid day!

Several events were held on the porch in the past ten days. I had an open-house for Apartment 12 and a family picnic due to out of town family being in the area for a nephew's wedding. Both were fun! 

These pictures are from both events. I was too busy doing a meet and greet the evening of the open house to take pictures of the crowd that was there. I will be doing before and after pictures in another post what this section looked like before the gardens were put in - an amazing difference! In the meantime...enjoy!
Candlelight at twilight.
A wall of Holtwood stones. They are heavy! I rebuilt this wall the second time because it wasn't lined up right with the porch which drove me crazy (not quite!). It was so worth doing it over! 
Three generations of the Zook family. 
We had quite a spread and eating along with the fellowship is a large part of our getting together. 
Fifty-five people were gathered in this small, so fun! I almost panicked in the wee hours of the morning because I wasn't sure where or how everyone was going to fit in my small space. Folks entertained themselves, a game of Kubb was played (thanks, Jason!), the little people jumped on the trampoline, Apartment 12 was toured and talk was non-stop. This was the weekend of the super full moon and the twilight and night sounds was amazing!
The Petersheims were away so son Loren (in the brown shirt) took care of the fire. Definitely responsible man stuff going on here!
These were taken in the Monday morning light. The chandelier is missing because it was used at the wedding. The hanging curtains are burlap that is used to keep grass seed in place. Its perfect for this and looks good even when it rains. 
Absolutely love my raised bed garden! The plant in the forefront is a cotton plant and thrives on the composted horse manure. It's six feet tall and still growing.
A view of different angles of the whole back. Notice my paint room beyond the arbor. Already love that space and I'm excited to begin working on the projects that are inside waiting for me!

~ Esther 

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