Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Christmas at Apartment 12

Christmas decorating this year is centered around greens and pinecones. They are more wintry than Christmas so they will stay up through January and possibly part of February. As I mentioned before, I get good quality greens the day after Christmas for a large percentage off...so fun to see what is left!


I love my entrance in the winter just as much as I do in the summer!
The greens are tucked in around what is already there. I found the large pinecones in the bottom of the bag; I forgot they were in my collection. Painting the bookcases are a project for this winter.
I love my wide window sills!
I don't do much red; however, these were the hunting socks my honey had ever since he started hunting at a young age. They were a seamless wool until I cut them into smaller socks. I wish I would have left them like they were. The red jacket is mine and is hanging there solely for decoration. The bench was made by his mother and my shoes are stored in a basket under it.
 My tarnished silver tree, a perfect size for a small space.
Pinecones and burlap! I used an embroidery hoop to wind the burlap swag around it. Simple perfection!

 My collection of putz houses. The two below were taken when we had our first snow.

Dining room buffet dressed in simple greens and cloches.
A favorite with greens and berries tucked in.
 Bedroom window.
This was taken during the first snow as well.
Wishing you a joyous Christmas and a wonderful 2015!
~ Esther


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